Tele-snaps: announcers
Rediffusion’s voices of authority

⇧ Fox Photos caption from 1955: “Shirley Butler, a station anchorwoman for the Independent Commercial Television Network, rehearses her announcement in preparation for the opening night programme.” Image courtesy of Getty.
Leslie Mitchell makes the first continuity announcement on Associated-Rediffusion:
A year or so later, Redvers Kyle makes the same announcement:
Jon Kelley does a quick station identification for Rediffusion London in the late 1960s:
Redvers Kyle and Jon Kelley close Rediffusion for the final time on 29 July (early 30 July) 1968:
Rediffusion’s William Squire (using the name Frobisher Collingwood) introduces ABC’s Professional Wresting, taped the previous Saturday and shown on Rediffusion on a Wednesday in 1965:
Rediffusion starts the day in June 1967 in this recreation of the visuals over a real recording of the audio. Redvers Kyle reminds us that Independent Television will be covering the tournament at Wimbledon:
About the author
Transdiffusion: the independent broadcasting authority since 1964